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    共有 904 个源码项目.每页显示10条.
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    291. OpenSSI Clusters for Linux - About:
    OpenSSI Clusters for Linux uses HP's NonStop Clusters for Unixware and various open source technologies to provide a full, highly-available SSI (Single System Image) clustering environment for Linux. Goals include availability, scalability, and manageability from commodity servers.

    OpenSSI Clusters for Linux对Unixware和各种开放源码技术使用永不停顿集群系统以提供一个完整、高度可用的Linux的SSI(单一系统映象)集群环境。


    292. Greenstone2.38 - Greenstone is a complete digital library creation, management, and distribution package created and distributed by the New Zealand Digital Library Project.

    293. csvtosql - csvtosql a java based highly configurable and expandible conversion tool and library. You can define how render data and where write it through a simple descriptor. Support CSV or EXCEL as input and have multiple output (sql or jdbc for example).

    csvtosql是一个基于Java的具有高度可配制性和扩展性的转换工具和库。你可以用一个简单的描述符文件来定义如何生成数据,和在哪里输出数据。支持CSV和EXCEL作为输入,可以多个输出(例如sql 或 jdbc)。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/csvtosql/ 

    294. Gaim聊天软件 - Gaim allows you to talk to anyone using AOL's Instant Messenger service. It contains many of the same features as AOL's IM client while at the same time incorporating many new features. Gaim also contains a multiple connection feature which consists of protocol plugins. These plugins allow you to use gaim to connect to other chat services such as Yahoo!, ICQ, and IRC
    Gaim允许你与任何使用AOL(美国在线)即时信息服务器的人谈话。它继承了AOL的许多特色(如AOL's IM client),同时合并了许多新的特性。Gaim支持由多个插件组成的多平台连接特性。这些插件允许你应用Gaim连接其他聊天服务器如Yahoo!,ICQ,或IRC。 

    295. WebSlave - WebSlave Mini is an easy to use Weblog. The main audience are people with small websites and low budget. WebSlave uses XML files to store the data and templates for generating the site. -WebSlave Project- is a Xoops modul for project managment.

    WebSlave Mini是一个易于使用的 Weblog。主要的用户群是小型的Web站点和低预算的用户。WebSlave 使用XML文件来保存数据,用模板来生成站点。-WebSlave Project-是一个用于项目管理的Xoops 模块。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webslave/ 

    296. The NPCFF Vault - The idea of this project is to create a PHP & MySQL powered system of centralising files between people, it will include profiles, administration, automatic sighnup, editing of files, folder systems and search engine.

    297. Olypiad in Informatics Tester - This Tester is just a software which can be used to test your programs automatically. By providing it with the paths of the compilers and the program sources and details of each test datas, it will compile and run the programs separatively and generate a result 

    298. asmutils - asmutils - asmutils is a set of miscellaneous utilities written in assembly language, targeted on embedded systems and small distributions (like rescue or installation disks); also it contains small libc and crypto library. It features the smallest possible size and memory requirements, the fastest speed and good functionality.
    asmutils - asmutils 是用汇编语言写的各色工具,嵌入式系统并通过小包发布(类似rescue 或 installation disks);也包括一个小型libc 和 crypto 库。以小容量和小内存要求著称,速度快,功能强大。 

    299. Online Airline Booking System - OABS is a complete Online Airline Booking System secure and free in PHP and MySQL

    Online Airline Booking System是一个完整的在线航班预订系统,安全而免费,用PHP 和MySQL开发。
    来源: http://sourceforge.net/projects/oabs/ 

    300. Bazaar - Bazaar is a multifunction system that does Web Conferencing, IRC chat, link management. Bazaar uses MySQL at the back end and features customizable interfaces, API, multiple languages and a host of other feat
    Bazaar 是一个多功能Web会议的系统,IRC 聊天,连接管理。Bazaar后端采用MySQL数据库,拥有可定制的接口,API,支持多种语言和众多其他功能。 

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